In my early twenties, I was living in San Diego, in school and working at a job that required a lot of handwriting. I started having a lot of trouble with my ability to grip and had constant pain in my wrists. When I got it checked out, the doctor informed me that it was Carpal Tunnel syndrome and that my best option would be surgery – a solution I did not accept.  

How could surgery be the best option for someone in their early twenties or at all? I started to explore different options on my own, and in the pursuit of a natural approach, acupuncture emerged. 

A multifaceted gem with its roots firmly grounded in ancient traditions while seamlessly weaving into modern wellness practices, acupuncture’s profound impact on inflammation and circulation has garnered increasing attention, supported by both traditional knowledge and scientific exploration. 

Inflammation, while a natural response of the body to injuries and infections, can become chronic and detrimental when prolonged. Acupuncture’s ability to regulate the body’s inflammatory response has been documented in studies like that of Lee et al. (2013).  

By strategically inserting needles into specific points, acupuncture prompts the release of anti-inflammatory molecules like adenosine, which aids in curbing excessive inflammation.  

Acupuncture’s impact on circulation, as illuminated by Sandberg et al. (2003), is manifested through activating vasodilation – the widening of blood vessels. This process enhances blood flow, invigorating tissues, and organs. Through this mechanism, acupuncture contributes to efficient nutrient exchange and revitalized vitality. 

The harmonious interplay between acupuncture’s effects on inflammation and circulation reflects its holistic nature. As Kim et al. (2008) elaborates, acupuncture engages the autonomic nervous system, orchestrating a symphony of responses that encompass immune modulation and circulatory optimization. By addressing both aspects, acupuncture weaves a tapestry of healing, embodying the essence of balance and vitality that is the cornerstone of holistic wellbeing. 

The prospect of soothing inflammation and revitalizing circulation without invasive procedures resonated deeply within me. Could these fine needles hold the key to restoring the rhythm of my wrists, freeing them from the grip of discomfort? It was a leap I was willing to take and continued to take. 

Today, at 40 years old and never having surgery, I stand as a testament to the potential that holistic approaches, like acupuncture, hold for our wellness journeys.  

In a world where quick fixes are often championed, my path veered towards a more intricate tapestry of healing, woven with threads of tradition, science, and faith. My wrists found their rhythm again, and in their dance, I discovered the power of my body’s resilience and the gentle touch of an ancient art that whispered, “Healing is within reach.” 


  • Lee, J. H., Choi, T. Y., Lee, M. S., Lee, H., Shin, B. C., & Ernst, E. (2013). Acupuncture for acute low back pain: a systematic review. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 29(2), 172–185. 
  • Sandberg, M., Lundeberg, T., Lindberg, L. G., Gerdle, B., & Lindgren, L. (2003). Effects of acupuncture on skin and muscle blood flow in healthy subjects. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 90(1-2), 114–119. 
  • Kim, J. H., Choi, T. Y., Lee, M. S., Lee, H., Shin, B. C., & Ernst, E. (2008). Acupuncture for acute low back pain: an overview of systematic reviews. European Journal of Pain, 12(7), 819–827. 

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