An Understanding Guide
Matthew Nelson, MFA | CLMA | LSMT | LMT | LBDC

Matthew has 25 years of understanding and communicating embodied experience. He is a Licensed Somatic Movement Therapist, Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Laban Movement Analyst, LBDC Pilates Certified and holds an MFA in Modern Dance. He continues to expand his own somatic awareness, currently studying Visionary CranioSacral Work at the Milne Institute.
His mission is to support your journey home to the innate wisdom of your body. His first careers were as a professional dancer, a massage therapist, and a college professor. Now, he offers somatic healing to individuals and groups through bodywork, somatic movement therapy, and community-oriented dance. He believes strongly that when we acknowledge and partner with our bodies we generate wholeness, joy, and flow in our lives — and eventually for everyone around us.
Office Location
750 E Warm Springs Ave. Studio D
Boise, ID 83712

I give Matt and his compassionate heart my highest recommendation, his movement coaching made a big difference in my quality of life, and I’m again able to work and sit for long periods without pain.
~ Michael
SomaWorks Somatic Movement Therapy Services
Individual In-Person Sessions - $150 / 75 minutes
These sessions include Somatic Movement Therapy, bodywork (clothed myofascial massage), pilates, and coaching sessions.
The physical body is a source of tremendous information, and with practice you can learn to better manage your emotional states, your experiences of pain and pleasure, and your overall health. We use touch, movement, awareness, and intention to help you engage with your Whole body.
Somatic Movement Therapy Benefits
- Greater Flexibility, Dexterity, Strength, Balance, and Resilience
- Resolving pain, including injuries and chronic pain, naturally
- Increased focus, energy, centeredness, and sense of well-being
- Addressing and breaking patterns of Trauma, including anxiety, depression, and PTSD
- Increased ability to acknowledge and listen to the wisdom of your body, empowering you to self-heal in long-term ‘permanent’ ways
- Greater authenticity, authority, and comfort with self and others
- Joy, connection, play, curiosity, creativity, and flow consciousness
Clinically Supported Results
Somatic Movement Therapy can include several well-studied modes of physical movement, including Laban Movement Analysis, Pilates, Massage and even Dance.
What is Somatic Movement Therapy?
Somatic means “Related to the Body”. Somatic Therapy modalities work to help patients reconnect to their body’s felt experience. It makes sense then that movement based therapy is a primary method of creating and exploring this connection.
This process allows you to find deeply held feelings, responses to physical and psychological traumas, both major and minor. Once you can find these stuck feelings, you have the opportunity to resolve them.
The tools and practices of Somatic Movement Therapy are easily directed to specific symptoms, yet can be used to address a multitude of symptoms from a whole-person systems perspective. Wherever you are on your journey to wellness and embodiment, somatic movement therapy can help you reach your goals.
Learn more about Somatic Therapies at the Kia’i Wellness Blog.
I felt like a got a whole system upgrade.
~ Crystal

Matthew Nelson
750 E Warm Springs Ave. Studio D
Boise, ID 83712
Matthew has 25 years of understanding and communicating embodied experience. He is a Licensed Somatic Movement Therapist, Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Laban Movement Analyst, LBDC Pilates Certified and holds an MFA in Modern Dance. He continues to expand his own somatic awareness, currently studying Visionary CranioSacral Work at the Milne Institute.
His mission is to support your journey home to the innate wisdom of your body. His first careers were as a professional dancer, a massage therapist, and a college professor. Now, he offers somatic healing to individuals and groups through bodywork, somatic movement therapy, and community-oriented dance. He believes strongly that when we acknowledge and partner with our bodies we generate wholeness, joy, and flow in our lives — and eventually for everyone around us.